"My tongue is the pen of an expert scribe." Ps 45:2
"My tongue is the pen of an expert scribe." Ps 45:2
Karin McBride-Chenoweth was born and raised in Northern Ireland during The Troubles. She has published multiple books - fiction and non-fiction and is the founder of 3-in-1 Publishing and 3-in-1 the Voice. She has contributed to 3-in-1 The Blog, GODTV Blog, The Christian Examiner, Anchoring Hope Blog, The Christian Irishman, and multiple Newspapers, Magazines and Online Broadcast Media.
In the past, she was a PR to some of UK's top sporting Olympic and World competitors for over 15 yrs. During this time she managed two sports columns in local newspapers for several years and was Publicity/Media Consultant for a local Sports Council Committee. She has had thousands of articles in local, national, international broadcast and print media in the UK published (credited & uncredited).
In 1994 she received the vision for 3-in-1 Publishing and 3-in-1 The Voice. However, the technology did not exist for an online e-zine to be published. On July 27th, 2009 the technology did exist and therefore 3-in-1 Publishing was born. On October 1st, 2009 the very first issue of 3-in-1 The Voice was published.
Karin's heart has always been to encourage and promote Christian writers and artists to use their God-given gifts and for 3-in-1 The Voice to be a Shofar to the nations. Over the years she has founded and promoted poetry awards in local primary schools, conducted VIP Poetry Workshops in local elementary/primary schools, created a Poetry exhibition in local libraries throughout Northern Ireland and published several books. Her body of work is extensive.
3-in-1 Publishing, PO Box 81, Pinson, TN 38366
E-mail: 3in1publishing@gmail.com
Ph#: 731.313.7536 fax#: 971.244.9285
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Operated & Owned by Naofa Stuff LLC.